Man, an endangered sex

Man, an endangered sex
International conventions on the protection of nature, environment – and especially some species - have been ratified and imposed upon each signatory country and particularly developing ones. Thus, each signatory through their Ministry of the Environment has designed a good number of policies in a bid to protecting some plant and animal species[1]. However, these policies in no way, are meant for mankind. In line with this species protection momentum, many countries, for instance, Cameroon, created the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF). Among other activities carried out, the Ministry fights against violence on women, girl children and seeks to integrate them into socio-professional circles. It is therefore obvious that every species is protected against the male sex that appears to be harmful. Nevertheless, given the statistics collected on several websites, there are about eight boys in 20 births, i.e. approximately one boy for two girls. Also, the man appears to be more vulnerable than the woman but is neither defended nor protected. It is in these contexts and perspective that this short article postulates that men should be protected.
From war to death
From the animal house in general and the human room in particular, men are the most vulnerable and neglected but useful in very risky jobs and more precisely in the war on terror - whose pockets rise everywhere on the planet like bubbling water. Most terrorist acts in the world are perpetrated by men and on men who dare resist them.
Apart from a few countries such as the USA and recently Tunisia, Warfare in general and the profession of arms and defence, in particular, are made for men. In Nazi concentration and extermination camps (1940-1945) during world wars, the Hitler machine gun left millions of men dead; women and children were civilians and thus could not significantly contribute to offensive actions. In addition, in the course of national soldiers’ training, special units or guards, many die; some manage to overcome the ordeal of training but don’t have time to enjoy the benefit offered by their profession. They are usually the first victims since colonels or majors cannot go to war front when soldiers can battle. It is clear that women can only remain in barracks to help cook or give first aid treatment to the wounded. They can usually die of stray bullets or accidentally. Within the Cameroonian context, for instance, it is difficult – if not impossible – to catch sight of a woman in a contingent. This is the case of troops sent to the Far north against Boko Haram or in the North West and South West against armed groups that vehemently demand the independence of the English-speaking part of the country.
From a complementary perspective, most internet sources say there are more widows than widowers as femme actuelle says “there are six times more widows than widowers”. This imbalance is first of all related to the abovementioned factors, in particular man’s vulnerability. Also, the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) shows that, in the 1960s, there were 104 men for 100 women; but today, this trend has reversed and there is an increasing growth of the female population, especially in the 21 and 45 age group. These statistics chime with those of index mundi which go thus “high sex ratio at birth in some Asian countries are now attributed to selective abortion and infanticide due to a strong preference for boys”. This looks like a “dramatic measure” to protect the males. Moreover, from 30 to 65, there is 0.95 man for 1 woman.
A few figures
Aside from the above evidence, there are conflicts likely to hinder man’s health; he may finally die prematurely of a stroke if he is not in a deadlock to choose between self-centeredness and insatiability. In traditional Africa, a single man marries an average of 10 women who usually give birth to more girls than boys. Some couples break up when there is no male child after a number of births. Usually, the “poor” unprotected and abandoned man faces all problems associated with polygamy. He is bound to satisfy all his wives by answering their needs especially their whims as women, including sensual and sexual desires. If according to, nearly 200 million spermatozoa are produced during a single ejaculation, planet health through a team of Quebec researchers says that sexual intercourse lasts for about 25 minutes and during which a man spends about 101 kilos calories (quantity of energy) and the woman, 69. For Julie Frappier, J. Levy and their colleagues, “the intensity of the force generated during sexual intercourse is about 70% of the intensity of a 30-minute endurance exercise and 38% of the energy spent. Sexual intercourse can be considered a significant activity, both more intense than walking at 4.8 km/h, but less intense than jogging at 8 km/h.”
Clues from traditional African marriage
Contrary to what is generally known, studies by the medical journal of the American Urological Association (top Santé) revealed that “men should have sex at least 21 times a month”. However, this quantity of energy spent to improve on prostate health, if not immediately compensated, becomes dangerous to man’s body. It is for this reason that, men before the age of 58 (research by Perspective monde, on life expectancy in the world) is weakened and become vulnerable to diseases related to ageing tissues, muscles, or brain that may not be well-nourished because of energy deficiency. Consequently, the “poor chap” - with so many wives who is cheated upon by other men in a plot with his wives in a surge of satisfaction – ends up dying before them.
From sensuality to sexuality
On the other hand, the indecently sexy and skimpy outfit of young girls and worse still, of most young married women today “rapes” men’s gaze and causes the sexual desires of the most sensitive man to “spark off”. The one who cannot control himself will see this poisoned gift like prey and may end up in prison - as a rat in Patrice Kayo’s Fables des montagnes (Fables of the Highlands) – or die because of an alleged rape on a vulgar woman, if he is not imprisoned for sexual harassment. The State should rather punish the girls or better still young married women for “gaze raping” to rescue the male sex that has fallen prey to all kinds of reprisals. Thoughtless of this unfair justice that sentences a man without judging him, but only suspecting him for having sexually harassed a woman who sensually opened up to him, her large shining and lubricated bust, resized to 38 and exhibited to whoever wants to see – with beckoning thighs and backside packaged with a “shortened” sexy short – bare buttocks without a mere thong and above all with sheep-like sleeping look. And you become besotted! Why sentencing him straight away? Is he not rather the victim of this assault? The woman who behaves this way should be convicted for “eye harassment”. This is because it is the eye that collects information and transmits to the centre of emotions; which in turns cause far-reaching consequences.
From the beginning
The book of Genesis 3: 17-20 says the woman shall suffer the pains of childbirth and it is from his sweat that man shall eat bread and take care of his family, till he returns unto the ground; for he is dust and unto dust shall he return. “Therefore, just as the Church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her (Ephesians 5:24-25). This shows that man remains the head of the family. Nevertheless, the 21st century provides women with a certain degree of autonomy that now allows them to stand as fulfilled beings and increasingly free of all submission-related constraints as discussed by Gaston-Paul Effa in his book entitled “Mâ”. Beyond this ideology of autonomy, which has given women an unprecedented yearning and created many upheavals, male sex remains the financial source of the household. Generally, the woman even with a salary sometimes higher than that of her husband is solely interested in her clothing, touristic dreams and beauty “constraints”. Therefore, the man is bound to work harder, lose much more calories to support his family or bear household-driven expenses. In doing so, he may pay tiredness with his life in an accident (usually on steering wheel running helter-skelter to meet his family and in-laws needs).
After these observations and analyses, it is now an open secret that man is abandoned in the world, in Africa and in Cameroon in particular. From war front to his capacity as a traditional African man, through other constraints related to his manhood, man is vulnerable: fought by Eve and other men who now protect plants, wildlife and the woman, to his detriment.  Men are forsaken to their own fate like “orphans of the world”. All agreements between States, all conventions signed and organisations incepted, are meant to protect plant and animal species especially women. Man is like being disclaimed by the woman and by himself. In any case, the previous constellations of facts provide enough evidence that this genre is at risk of extinction if nothing is done today to protect it. Women especially should rather be finding ways to give men the place they deserve for, the word of the Lord says it. They should be more lenient today and woe other young girls for her man in order to show compassion and empathy. Not every woman today is lucky enough to have a man by their side as men die every day during conflicts – Cameroon being a typical example –.  This is due to the fact that the 1960s gender ratio in favour of men is now on the women’s side. If it is admitted that all women were born to get married, it is clear that the man will still have to marry a woman and at most three to make every woman the wife of Mr X. It is in this regard that one can suggest that the national and international community introduces measures to protect and make man sustainable.
Sainte Bible, New Testament.

[1] Nonetheless, one must acknowledge that the UN has incepted non-political organisations in charge of defending human rights; but these organisations are mostly women-rights oriented.


  1. Interesting! Un changement de perspective est quelque peu révélateur des souffrances cachées des hommes ! À force de voir la femme comme le sexe faible et la sur-protéger, on finirait bien par affaiblir celui de l'homme ! Sauf que c'est la société qui en a décidé ainsi et on ne fait que danser à son rythme : on a décidé que la femme était faible alors il faut la PROTÉGER ! 😀 Toutefois, l'on retient qu'il est tout aussi important de protéger et prôner les droits de l'homme !
    Merci pour cet article !


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