
Man, an endangered sex

Man, an endangered sex Introduction International conventions on the protection of nature, environment – and especially some species - have been ratified and imposed upon each signatory country and particularly developing ones. Thus, each signatory through their Ministry of the Environment has designed a good number of policies in a bid to protecting some plant and animal species [1] . However, these policies in no way, are meant for mankind. In line with this species protection momentum, many countries, for instance, Cameroon, created the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF). Among other activities carried out, the Ministry fights against violence on women, girl children and seeks to integrate them into socio-professional circles. It is therefore obvious that every species is protected against the male sex that appears to be harmful. Nevertheless, given the statistics collected on several websites, there are about eight boys in 20 births, i.e. approximately...


L’HOMME : UNE ESPÈCE (GENRE) À PROTÉGER Introduction Les accords internationaux sur la protection de la nature, de l’environnement et surtout de certaines espèces sont intervenus comme une contrainte pour chaque pays de chaque continent en particulier ceux en voie de développement. Pour cette raison, chaque ministère en charge de l’environnement ou de la faune et de la flore a adopté des politiques de protection de certaines aires et de certaines espèces fauniques. Cependant, ces politiques ne visent en réalité que des animaux sauvages et ne concernent en aucun cas la race humaine de l’espèce faunique. Dans cet élan de protection, le Cameroun a créé un ministère en charge de la promotion de la femme (MINPROF). Entre autres activités menées par ce ministère figure en grande ligne la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes, l’insertion des femmes dans les milieux socioprofessionnels. Donc, il va sans dire que toutes ces espèces sont protégées contre l’homme qui apparaît c...


Nowadays, many companies’ ideal is to make more benefits. In this light, Human Resource Managers would like to have a productive team that has the ability to drive profits, make customers happier and actively promote their company. This ideal world makes them push their employees to full productivity capacity at all times. Employees are now likely to spend more and more time at the workplace and might have no time to rest. However, increasing working hours does not necessarily increase efficiency. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what would motivate you to be more productive. The following points are tips to boost your employee’s productivity without increasing working hours at all costs: 1.      Set realistic and focused goals Set clear, realistic and obtainable goals for your employees to complete within a specific timeframe. To do this, you must set a general goal and assign specific goals to each employee. As an employer, do not expect effici...

La chosification de la femme dans Collé la Petite du chanteur Camerounais Franco

              LA CHOSIFICATION DE LA FEMME DANS LA   MUSIQUE DITE « JEUNE  » : Collé La Petite DU CHANTEUR CAMEROUNAIS FRANCO . (Reification of the woman in Collé la petite by F ranco,  Cameroonian singer) La chosification désigne l’action de chosifier. C'est-à-dire un procédé qui préside à la transformation ou si l’on préfère à la réduction de l’être humain en objet. Bref, elle fait voir en l’homme une chose matérielle, dépourvue de toute valeur sacrée. Elle est aussi perçue comme la réification ou la déshumanisation. Ce qui retient plus notre attention est l’orientation que se donnerait Franco dans Collé la petite . Franco ne chercherait-il pas plutôt à mettre à nu les pratiques parfois de sens hermétiques observées en des milieux bruyants ? Ou alors, quelle est la valeur qu’attribue Franco à la femme ? Sans prétention aucune de vouloir apporter un jugement à cette ...

Reification of the Woman in "Collé la petite" of the Cameroonian singer, Franco

" Reification " of the woman in Collé la Petite, a song by Franco, Cameroonian Singer (La chosification de la femme dans “collé la petite du chanteur Camerounais Franco)             " Reification" refers to the act of reifying or reducing the value and dignity of a human being to that of an object. It is a procedure that consists in transforming or better still, making a human being, an object. In short, it shows human being as an identifiable physical object, bereft of any sacred value; i.e, the act of dehumanizing a human being. The objective of this work is to understand the meaning behind the rhythm and words of Franco in collé la petite . Thus, what is the ultimate end of this piece of music? Is Franco not simply trying to show the nakedness of hermetic-based practices witnessed in some noisy environments? Or rather, what value does Franco attach to the woman? Of course, there is no reason and neither is there intent to judge this piece o...

Predicting up coming words in reading, Bilinguals and Monolinguals at stake

Do bilinguals have the same level of predicting up coming words as the molinguals do?

Cameoon: Senatorial 2018 results made public by the Constitutional Council